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The mate was a mighty sailing man the skipper brave and sure five passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour a three hour tour thank you for being a friend up

Internal / External Security Audit

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) states that a CTPAT member, regardless of its Tier level (1, 2 or 3) must conduct a routine internal security audit on all security measures used to secure its international supply chain.

The audit will ensure that these measures are carried out consistently and effectively. Furthermore, an external security audit should be conducted in order to verify the accuracy and implementation of the security measures listed in the internal audit. In addition, to the SCSS (Supply Chain Security Specialist) requesting to see a copy of the internal/external audit at the time of the validation and subsequent revalidations, it is an excellent tool for preparing for present as well as future validations as well.

Prior to preparing the internal security audit, Norman Jaspan Associates, Inc. (NJA) will work with the CTPAT member in reviewing the supply chain flow chart which is incorporated within the internal audit. The supply chain flow chart enables member to identify their exposure to risk. You begin with the shipper and end with the importer and/or consignee regardless of whether the CTPAT member is responsible for contracting the supply chain provider.

NJA will work with the CTPAT member in preparing the internal security audit and then upon completion, will conduct an external security audit. If any deficiencies are identified, NJA will help you create and implement the written procedure.